Importing Demo Data

The demo file included with this theme is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of the slydeways demo site.

It contains information about the site’s posts, pages, comments, categories, and other content but no image media.

To import this information into a WordPress site follow these steps:

Step1: Log in to that site as an administrator.

Step2: Go to Tools: Import in the WordPress admin panel.

Step3: Install the “WordPress” importer from the list.

Step4: Activate & Run Importer.

Step5: Upload this file using the form provided on that page.

Step6: You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the site. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the site or to create a new user.

Step7: WordPress will then import each of the posts, pages, comments, categories, etc. contained in this file into your site.

Download Customizer Settings

Download Slydeways Styling

Download Slydeways Demo Styling


To import this information into a WordPress site follow these steps:

Step1: Log in to that site as an administrator.

Step2: Go to Plugins: Add new.

Step3: Search for the “Customizer Export/Import” plugin.

Step4: Install and Activate.

Step5: Go to Appearance: Customize: Import/Export.

Step6: Upload the file.

Step7: WordPress will then import the styles of the file.