Customizing Slydeways Theme

customize-248x250This theme uses the native builtin WordPress Customizer. You can see the changes you make live while you work without the need to save or refresh. Most of these setting do not require further explanation but will be added to as questions arise.

Step1: Customize the theme by logging into your WordPress Admin area.

Step2: Click on Appearance and then Customize.

Step3: The Customizer is broken up into different sections and settings. Find the section and feature you want to customize. Make your changes and wait for them to visually change on the preview pane.

Step4: When you are happy with your changes click the Save & Publish button.


Show Post Sidebar by Post

If you would like to show the page sidebar only on particular posts you will need to select Show Sidebar By Post under Post Sidebar Display in the Sidebar Settings of the customizer. The checkbox to show the sidebar will only be visible on the bottom right of the posts edit page if Post Sidebar Display is set to Show Sidebar By Post. For Page Sidebars select one of the Full Width page templates under Page Attributes.


Inserting Builtin Grids

Using the builtin grids is easy.

Step1: When editing your page select where you want your grid to show on the page.

Step2: Then from the Slydeways Inserts menu select Grids and pick the style you want.

Step3: Click Ok.

Step4: Add your content to the grids.

For other grids not listed in the menu use the source code from: Grid Source.